liu 8 months ago
parent 5ec1b19314
commit 652bd5823c

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package com.supervision.knowsub.service.impl;
import cn.hutool.core.bean.BeanUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert;
import cn.hutool.core.util.ObjectUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ import com.supervision.knowsub.model.*;
import com.supervision.knowsub.service.*;
import com.supervision.knowsub.util.UserUtil;
import com.supervision.knowsub.vo.knowledge.KnowledgeFlowResVO;
import com.supervision.knowsub.vo.knowledge.KnowledgePageResVO;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
@ -57,17 +60,38 @@ public class KnowledgeFlowServiceImpl implements KnowledgeFlowService {
String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Integer pageNum, Integer pageSize) {
Assert.notNull(processStatus, "审批状态不能为空");
UserInfo user = UserUtil.getUser();
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> result;
// 查询待办
if (1 == processStatus) {
return knowledgeFlowRecordService.queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType,
result = knowledgeFlowRecordService.queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(user.getId(), title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType,
publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, new Page<>(pageNum, pageSize));
// 查询已办
if (2 == processStatus) {
return knowledgeFlowRecordService.queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType,
else if (2 == processStatus) {
result = knowledgeFlowRecordService.queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(user.getId(), title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType,
publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, new Page<>(pageNum, pageSize));
} else {
throw new BusinessException("不支持的状态类型");
throw new BusinessException("不支持的状态类型");
// 然后填充一些字段
List<KnowledgeFlowResVO> records = result.getRecords();
// 获取所有部门
Set<String> publishDeptSet =;
Set<String> submitDeptSet =;
Collection<String> deptIdSet = CollUtil.union(submitDeptSet, publishDeptSet);
Map<String, String> deptMap = systemDeptService.listByIds(deptIdSet).stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(SystemDept::getId, SystemDept::getDeptName));
// 获取所有子库
Set<String> userIdSet =;
Map<String, String> userMap = systemUserService.listByIds(userIdSet).stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(SystemUser::getId, SystemUser::getUsername));
for (KnowledgeFlowResVO record : records) {
record.setSubmitUserName(userMap.getOrDefault(record.getSubmitUserId(), "未知用户"));
record.setSubmitDeptName(deptMap.getOrDefault(record.getSubmitDeptId(), "未知部门"));
record.setPublishDeptName(deptMap.getOrDefault(record.getPublishDeptId(), "未知部门"));
return result;
@ -131,6 +155,7 @@ public class KnowledgeFlowServiceImpl implements KnowledgeFlowService {
@ -234,6 +259,7 @@ public class KnowledgeFlowServiceImpl implements KnowledgeFlowService {

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public interface KnowledgeFlowRecordMapper extends BaseMapper<KnowledgeFlowRecord> {
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(
@Param("userId") String userId,
@Param("title") String title,
@Param("publishDeptId") String publishDeptId,
@Param("baseId") String baseId,
@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ public interface KnowledgeFlowRecordMapper extends BaseMapper<KnowledgeFlowRecor
@Param("publishDateEnd") LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page);
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(@Param("title") String title,
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(@Param("userId") String userId,
@Param("title") String title,
@Param("publishDeptId") String publishDeptId,
@Param("baseId") String baseId,
@Param("submittedDeptId") String submittedDeptId,

@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ public class KnowledgeFlowTodo extends Model<KnowledgeFlowTodo> implements Seria
private String todoUserId;
* ID
private String submitUserId;
* ID

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public interface KnowledgeFlowRecordService extends IService<KnowledgeFlowRecord
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId,
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(String userId, String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId,
String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page);
@ -27,17 +27,18 @@ public interface KnowledgeFlowRecordService extends IService<KnowledgeFlowRecord
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId,
IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(String userId, String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId,
String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page);
* 使-
* @param userId ID
* @param processStatus ,
* @param userId ID
* @param processStatus ,
* @param knowledgeStatus
Long queryPassProcessCountByUser(String userId, Integer processStatus,Integer knowledgeStatus);
Long queryPassProcessCountByUser(String userId, Integer processStatus, Integer knowledgeStatus);

@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* @author Administrator
* @description ks_knowledge_flow_record()Service
* @createDate 2024-06-24 11:35:15
* @author Administrator
* @description ks_knowledge_flow_record()Service
* @createDate 2024-06-24 11:35:15
public class KnowledgeFlowRecordServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<KnowledgeFlowRecordMapper, KnowledgeFlowRecord>
implements KnowledgeFlowRecordService{
implements KnowledgeFlowRecordService {
public IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId, String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page) {
return this.baseMapper.queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType, publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, page);
public IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(String userId, String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId, String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd,
Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page) {
return this.baseMapper.queryKnowledgeFlowTodoPage(userId, title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType, publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, page);
public IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId, String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
public IPage<KnowledgeFlowResVO> queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(String userId, String title, String publishDeptId, String baseId, String submittedDeptId, Instant flowType,
LocalDateTime publishDateBegin, LocalDateTime publishDateEnd, Page<KnowledgeFlowResVO> page) {
return this.baseMapper.queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType, publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, page);
return this.baseMapper.queryKnowledgeFlowCompletePage(userId, title, publishDeptId, baseId, submittedDeptId, flowType, publishDateBegin, publishDateEnd, page);
public Long queryPassProcessCountByUser(String userId, Integer processStatus,Integer knowledgeStatus) {
return this.baseMapper.queryPassProcessCountByUser(userId, processStatus,knowledgeStatus);
public Long queryPassProcessCountByUser(String userId, Integer processStatus, Integer knowledgeStatus) {
return this.baseMapper.queryPassProcessCountByUser(userId, processStatus, knowledgeStatus);

@ -17,10 +17,18 @@ public class KnowledgeFlowResVO {
private String title;
@Schema(description = "审批类型 1知识报送 2:知识撤回 3 知识删除")
private String flowType;
@Schema(description = "提交部门名称")
@Schema(description = "发文部门名称")
private String publishDeptName;
private String publishDeptId;
@Schema(description = "报送部门名称")
private String submitDeptName;
@Schema(description = "提交人名称")
private String submitDeptId;
@Schema(description = "报送人名称")
private String submitUserName;
private String submitUserId;
@Schema(description = "知识来源 1人工提报")
private String knowledgeFrom;

@ -36,39 +36,33 @@ as knowledgeId,
t2.title as title,
t1.flow_type as flowType,
t4.sumitUserName as sumitUserName,
t4.submitDeptName as submitDeptName,
t2.knowledge_from as knowledgeFrom
t2.publish_dept_id as publishDeptId,
t2.submitted_dept_id as submittedDeptId,
t1.submit_user_id as submitUserId,
from ks_knowledge_flow_todo t1
left join ks_knowledge t2 on t1.knowledge_id =
left join ks_knowledge_info t3 on t2.info_id =
left join (select any_value(tt2.username) as sumitUserName,
any_value(tt3.dept_name) as submitDeptName,
from ks_knowledge_flow_record tt1
left join ks_system_user tt2 on tt1.submit_user_id = tt2.username
left join ks_system_dept tt3 on tt1.submit_dept_id = tt3.dept_name
group by flow_id) t4 on t1.flow_id = t4.flow_id and t1.flow_id = t4.flow_id
t1.todo_user_id = #{userId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
where t2.title like #{title}
and t2.title like #{title}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="baseId != null and baseId != ''">
and t2.base_id = #{baseId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDeptId != null and publishDeptId != ''">
and t2.publish_dept_id = #{publishDeptId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="submitted_dept_id != null and submitted_dept_id != ''">
and t2.submitted_dept_id = #{submittedDeptId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDateBegin != null and publishDateBegin != ''">
and t3.publish_date <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{publishDateBegin}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDateEnd != null and publishDateEnd != ''">
and t3.publish_date <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{publishDateEnd}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="flowType != null and flowType != ''">
and t1.flow_type = #{flowType}
@ -81,39 +75,34 @@ as knowledgeId,
t2.title as title,
t1.flow_type as flowType,
t4.sumitUserName as sumitUserName,
t4.submitDeptName as submitDeptName,
t2.publish_dept_id as publishDeptId,
t1.submitted_dept_id as submittedDeptId,
t1.submit_user_id as submitUserId,
t2.knowledge_from as knowledgeFrom
from ks_knowledge_flow_record t1
left join ks_knowledge t2 on t1.knowledge_id =
left join ks_knowledge_info t3 on t2.info_id =
left join (select any_value(tt2.username) as sumitUserName,
any_value(tt3.dept_name) as submitDeptName,
from ks_knowledge_flow_record tt1
left join ks_system_user tt2 on tt1.submit_user_id = tt2.username
left join ks_system_dept tt3 on tt1.submit_dept_id = tt3.dept_name
group by flow_id) t4 on t1.flow_id = t4.flow_id and t1.flow_id = t4.flow_id
t1.process_user_id = #{userId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
where t2.title like #{title}
and t2.title like #{title}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="baseId != null and baseId != ''">
and t2.base_id = #{baseId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDeptId != null and publishDeptId != ''">
and t2.publish_dept_id = #{publishDeptId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="submittedDeptId != null and submittedDeptId != ''">
and t2.submitted_dept_id = #{submittedDeptId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDateBegin != null and publishDateBegin != ''">
and t3.publish_date <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{publishDateBegin}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="publishDateEnd != null and publishDateEnd != ''">
and t3.publish_date <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{publishDateEnd}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
<if test="flowType != null and flowType != ''">
and t1.flow_type = #{flowType}
