create table ir_user
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_user_pk
primary key,
user_account varchar(255) not null
constraint ir_user_pk2
real_name varchar(255) not null,
ps varchar(255) not null,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
state integer default 1,
role_type integer default 2 not null
comment on table ir_user is '用户表';
comment on column ir_user.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_user.user_account is '用户账户';
comment on column ir_user.real_name is '真实姓名';
comment on column ir_user.ps is '用户密码';
comment on column ir_user.create_user_id is '创建人ID';
comment on column ir_user.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column ir_user.update_user_id is '更新人ID';
comment on column ir_user.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column ir_user.state is '状态(1启动 2禁用)';
comment on column ir_user.role_type is '用户角色(1管理员 2普通用户)';
alter table ir_user
owner to postgres;
create table ir_sql_param
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_sql_param_pk
primary key,
knowledge_id varchar(64),
param_name varchar(64),
param_type varchar(64),
param_require integer default 2,
param_desc varchar(255),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_sql_param is '问题模板参数';
comment on column ir_sql_param.knowledge_id is '知识库ID';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_name is '参数名称';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_type is '参数类型';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_require is '是否必填(1必填,2非必填)';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_desc is '参数注释';
alter table ir_sql_param
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session_param
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_session_param_pk
primary key,
session_id varchar(64),
param_name varchar(255),
param_value varchar(255),
param_type varchar(64),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_session_param is '会话参数';
comment on column ir_session_param.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_session_param.session_id is '会话ID';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_name is '参数名称';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_value is '参数值';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_type is '参数类型';
alter table ir_session_param
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session_history
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_session_history_pk
primary key,
session_id varchar(64),
user_question varchar(1024),
user_question_voice_id varchar(64),
match_knowledge_id varchar(64),
user_id varchar(64),
threshold numeric(5, 2),
score_cause integer,
answer_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
deal_state integer default 0 not null,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
answer varchar(1024),
answer_voice_id varchar(64),
answer_file_id varchar(1024),
answer_type integer
comment on table ir_session_history is '会话历史记录表';
comment on column ir_session_history.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_session_history.session_id is '所属会话ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_question is '用户问题';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_question_voice_id is '用户语音ID(关联语音表ID)';
comment on column ir_session_history.match_knowledge_id is '匹配知识库ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_id is '提问用户ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.threshold is '阈值';
comment on column ir_session_history.score_cause is '(原因 1信息错误 2答非所问 3其他),只有不满意时触发';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_time is '应答时间';
comment on column ir_session_history.deal_state is '处理状态(0无需处理 1未处理 2已处理)';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer is '回答内容';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_voice_id is '回答音频ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_file_id is '回答文件ID,支持多个文件,用;分割';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_type is '回答类型 1:文字 2:语音 3:文件';
alter table ir_session_history
owner to postgres;
create table ir_robot_config
id varchar(64) not null
constraint robot_config_pk
primary key,
device_name varchar(255),
dept_name varchar(255),
device_code varchar(255),
state integer default 1 not null,
talk_speed numeric(2, 1),
icon_base64 text,
active_language varchar(255),
error_language varchar(255),
unrecognized_one varchar(255),
unrecognized_two varchar(255),
unrecognized_three varchar(255),
unrecognized_four varchar(255),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_robot_config is '机器人配置';
comment on column ir_robot_config.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_robot_config.device_name is '设备名称';
comment on column ir_robot_config.dept_name is '所属机构名称';
comment on column ir_robot_config.device_code is '设备编码';
comment on column ir_robot_config.state is '设备状态(1启用 2禁用)';
comment on column ir_robot_config.talk_speed is '语速配置';
comment on column ir_robot_config.icon_base64 is '机器人图表';
comment on column ir_robot_config.active_language is '主动话术';
comment on column ir_robot_config.error_language is '异常话术';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_one is '未识别话术1';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_two is '未识别话术2';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_three is '未识别话术3';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_four is '未识别话术5';
alter table ir_robot_config
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session
id varchar(255) not null
constraint ir_session_pk
primary key,
session_name varchar(255),
session_state integer default 1 not null,
user_id varchar(64),
video_speed numeric(2, 1),
broadcast_type integer default 1,
session_score integer,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_session is '会话表';
comment on column ir_session.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_session.session_name is '会话名称';
comment on column ir_session.session_state is '会话状态(1进行中,2已结束)';
comment on column ir_session.user_id is '会话用户ID';
comment on column ir_session.video_speed is '播放速度(2位,小数后1位,例如:1.5)';
comment on column ir_session.broadcast_type is '播报方式(1语音 2文字)';
comment on column ir_session.session_score is '会话评分(1满意 2不满意,3未评估)';
alter table ir_session
owner to postgres;
create table ir_voice
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_voice_pk
primary key,
voice_base64 text not null,
length integer
comment on table ir_voice is '音频文件表';
comment on column ir_voice.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_voice.voice_base64 is '音频文件base64编码';
comment on column ir_voice.length is '长度,以秒为单位';
alter table ir_voice
owner to postgres;
create table ir_file
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_file_pk
primary key,
file_name varchar(255),
file_byte bytea,
file_type varchar(255),
file_size integer
comment on table ir_file is '文件表';
comment on column ir_file.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_file.file_name is '文件名称';
comment on column ir_file.file_byte is '文件字节编码';
comment on column ir_file.file_type is '文件类型 1: base64 2:原生(未经过base64编码)';
comment on column ir_file.file_size is '文件大小';
alter table ir_file
owner to postgres;
create table ir_knowledge
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_knowledge_pk
primary key,
standard_question varchar(255) not null,
state integer,
sql_template text,
result_template text,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
result_type integer default 1
comment on table ir_knowledge is '知识库';
comment on column ir_knowledge.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_knowledge.standard_question is '标准问题';
comment on column ir_knowledge.state is '状态(1生效 2部分生效 3未部署)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.sql_template is 'SQL模板(使用模板工具)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.result_template is '回答模板格式(使用模板工具)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.result_type is '查询结果数据类型:1:Map<String,Object> 2:List<Map<String,Object>> 3 : bytea';
alter table ir_knowledge
owner to postgres;
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984441624252418', '本次冻结涉及多少张卡?', 1, e'select count(distinct jykh) jykh_count
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid};', '本次冻结涉及${jykh_count}张银行卡', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.128999', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.128999', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442718965762', '代理或会员的充值、提现情况', 1, null, null, null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.240794', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.240794', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442979012610', '是否为团伙', 1, e'<script>
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
WHERE ajmc = #{ajid} AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND js LIKE \'%团伙%\'
) THEN \'是团伙\'
ELSE \'不是团伙\'
END AS result;
</script>', '${result}', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.299090', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.299090', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443440386666', '我要下载案件材料', 1, null, e'<#if fileContent??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-29 05:16:18.426524', null, '2024-03-29 05:16:18.426524', 4);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443155173377', '冻结资金的依据', 1, e'<script>
select xyzjlxt as byte_content, guid as byte_content_id
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_xyzjyjt
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', '未查询到资金冻结的依据。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.339301', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.339301', 3);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443096453122', '账户主要扮演哪些角色', 1, e'<script>
select string_agg(distinct js, \'、\') js_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
where ajmc = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#if js_agg??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.327274', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.327274', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442920292354', '资金信息基本情况', 1, e'<script>
select count(distinct jykh) dqzhs,
count(distinct jyhm) dqzts,
count(distinct dszh) sjdss,
count(*) jyzbs,
sum(jyje::numeric) jyzje,
sum(case when sfbz = \'进\' then 1 else 0 end) jzcs,
sum(case when sfbz = \'进\' then jyje::numeric else \'0\' end) jzje,
sum(case when sfbz = \'出\' then 1 else 0 end) czcs,
sum(case when sfbz = \'出\' then jyje::numeric else \'0\' end) czje,
min(jyrq) zzjyrq,
max(jyrq) zwjyrq
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_fx_zjmx_case where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#macro formatMoney amount>
<#if amount < 10000>
${amount} 元
<#elseif amount gte 10000 && amount < 100000000 >
${(amount / 10000) ?string[\'0.00\']} 万元
${(amount / 100000000)?string[\'0.00\']} 亿元
<#if jyzbs gt 0>
其中涉及交易对手账号${sjdss}个,涉及金额交易总金额约<@formatMoney amount=jyzje/>,转出金额约<@formatMoney amount=czje/>,转入金额<@formatMoney amount=jzje/>。转出笔数${czcs}笔,转入笔数${jzcs}笔。
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.284770', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.284770', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442635079681', '是否为代理或会员?', 1, e'<script>
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
WHERE jykh in
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND ajmc = #{ajid}
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#assign isMember = false>
<#assign isAgent = false>
<#list dataList as item>
<#if item.js?contains("会员")>
<#assign isMember = true>
<#elseif item.js?contains("代理")>
<#assign isAgent = true>
<#if isMember>
是会员<#elseif isAgent>是代理<#else>不是代理或者会员</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.222509', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.222509', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443201310722', '主要关联了哪些问题账户', 1, e'<script>
string_agg(dshm || \':\' || dszh, \',\') AS result
FROM yxyc_robot_data.result_jylxfx_bq
WHERE ajid = #{ajid}
AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#if result??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.352463', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.352463', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443385860098', '关联的出账对手情况', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,
gldss gldss,
czdsh czdsh,
czje czje,
czbs czbs,
czts czts
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhxzsb where ajid = ${ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</foreach> and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#list dataList as item>
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.395498', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.395498', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443268419585', '为几级卡', 1, e'<script>
SELECT jykh,sfbz,dsfbq
FROM yxyc_robot_data.result_jylxfx_bq where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#assign card_map = {}>
<#list dataList as item>
<#if item.jykh?? && item.jykh?trim?length != 0>
<#assign key = item.jykh?trim>
<#if !card_map[key]??>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#elseif item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "进" && item.dsfbq?? && item.dsfbq?contains("会员")>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#elseif (item.dsfbq ?? && (item.dsfbq?contains("收款账户") || item.dsfbq?contains("返款账户")) && (card_map[key].sfbz != "进"))>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#list card_map?values as item>
卡号:${item.jykh} 卡级别:
<#if item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "进" && item.dsfbq?? && item.dsfbq?contains("会员")>
<#elseif item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "出" || (item.dsfbq?? && (item.dsfbq?contains("收款账户") || item.dsfbq?contains("返款账户")))>
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.366105', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.366105', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443327139841', '关联的进账对手情况', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,
gldss gldss,
jzdss jzdss,
jzcszb jzcszb,
jzjezb jzjezb,
jzdsszb jzdsszb,
jzje jzje,
jzbs jzbs,
jzts jzts
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhxzsb where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</foreach> and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#list dataList as item>
卡号:${item.jykh},关联对手数:${item.gldss},进账对手数:${item.jzdss},进账次数占比:${item.jzcszb},进账金额占比:${item.jzjezb},进账对手数占比:${item.jzdsszb}, 进账金额:${item.jzje},进账笔数:${item.jzbs},进账天数:${item.jzts}
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.381933', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.381933', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443440386050', '银行基本信息情况', 1, e'select t0.jykh,t0.t0_zhkhmc_agg,t1.* ,t2.联系电话 ,t3.住宅地址, t3.住宅电话 ,t4.银行账号
(select jykh,khrzjhm ,string_agg(distinct zhkhmc,\'、\') t0_zhkhmc_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_khxx where ajid=2 and khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm}
group by jykh,khrzjhm
) t0
left join
(select zjhm t1_zjhm,
string_agg(distinct email,\'、\') 联系邮箱,string_agg(distinct gzdw,\'、\') 工作单位,string_agg(distinct dwdh,\'、\') 单位电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_kehxx where ajid=2 and zjhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zjhm
) t1
on t0.khrzjhm=t1.t1_zjhm
left join
select zzhm t2_zzhm,string_agg(distinct khmc,\'、\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct lxdh,\'、\') 联系电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_lxfsxx where ajid=2 and zzhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zzhm
) t2
on t1.t1_zjhm = t2.t2_zzhm
left join
select zjhm t3_zjhm,string_agg(distinct khmc,\'、\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct zzdz,\'、\') 住宅地址, string_agg(distinct zzdh,\'、\') 住宅电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_zzxx where ajid=2 and zjhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zjhm
) t3
on t1.t1_zjhm = t3.t3_zjhm
left join
select khrzjhm t4_khrzjhm,string_agg(distinct zhkhmc,\'、\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct zhkhyh||\'-\'||jykh,\'、\') 银行账号
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_khxx where ajid=2 and khrzjhm= #{khrzjhm}
group by khrzjhm
) t4
on t1.t1_zjhm = t4.t4_khrzjhm;', '基本情况: 交易卡号:${((jykh!'''')?length>0)?string(jykh!'''',''无'')},开户名称:${((t0_zhkhmc_agg!'''')?length>0)?string(t0_zhkhmc_agg!'''',''无'')},证照号码:${((t1_zjhm!'''')?length>0)?string(t1_zjhm!'''',''无'')},联系邮箱:${((联系邮箱!'''')?length>0)?string(联系邮箱!'''',''无'')},工作单位:${((工作单位!'''')?length>0)?string(工作单位!'''',''无'')},单位电话:${((单位电话!'''')?length>0)?string(单位电话!'''',''无'')},联系电话:${((联系电话!'''')?length>0)?string(联系电话!'''',''无'')},住宅地址:${((住宅地址!'''')?length>0)?string(住宅地址!'''',''无'')},住宅电话:${((住宅电话!'''')?length>0)?string(住宅电话!'''',''无'')},银行账号:${((银行账号!'''')?length>0)?string(银行账号!'''',''无'')}。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.407176', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.407176', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442857377793', '是否符合立案打击标准', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,saje
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh in
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#list dataList as item>
<#assign jykh = item["jykh"]>
<#assign saje = item["saje"]>
交易卡号: ${jykh}元,交易金额: ${saje}元,</#list>总交易金额: <#assign totalAmount = 0><#list dataList as item><#assign saje = item["saje"]?number> <#assign totalAmount = totalAmount + saje></#list>${totalAmount} 元', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.269374', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.269374', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442509250562', '本案调集了几轮数据,涉及多少账户', 1, e'select count(distinct djpc) as count_djpc, count(distinct jykh) as count_ykjh
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd where ajid = #{ajid};', e'<#assign count_ykjh = count_ykjh?default(0)>
<#assign count_djpc = count_djpc?default(0)>
本案调集了${count_djpc}轮数据,涉及${count_ykjh}个账户。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.186871', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.186871', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443037732866', '团伙依据', 1, e'<script>
select string_agg(distinct jyhm,\'、\') jyhm_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_thsb a
where a.thfz in (select distinct thfz
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_thsb
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm})
and a.jyhm is not null;
</script>', e'<#if jyhm_agg??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.312666', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.312666', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442387615746', '涉及哪些银行,各银行卡数量', 1, e'SELECT STRING_AGG(result_0, \'、\') result
FROM (SELECT yhmc || \':\' || count(distinct jykh) || \'张\' as result_0
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid}
) subquery;', e'<#if result?has_content>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.159600', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.159600', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442458918914', '本次账户涉案情况', 1, e'select SUM(CAST(saje AS DECIMAL(18, 2))) as sum_asje
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid};', '账户涉案金额是${(sum_asje!0)?c}元', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.172509', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.172509', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442811240449', '代理获取佣金情况', 1, null, null, null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.256425', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.256425', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442572165122', '是否为本次冻结打击对象?', 1, e'<script>
WHEN count(id) > 0 THEN \'是\'
ELSE \'不是\'
END AS result
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
WHERE ajid = #{ajid}
AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', '${result}本次冻结打击对象', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.201885', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.201885', 1);
create table ir_knowledge_similar
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_similar_question_pk
primary key,
knowledge_id varchar(64),
similar_question varchar(255),
state integer,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_knowledge_similar is '相似问法表';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.id is '主键';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.knowledge_id is '知识库ID';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.similar_question is '相似问法';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.state is '生效状态(1生效 2部分生效 3未部署)';
alter table ir_knowledge_similar
owner to postgres;
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012620', '1770984443096453122', '账号主要扮演了哪些角色', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:39:34.766612', null, '2024-04-02 02:39:34.766612');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012621', '1770984442635079681', '是否为会员或代理', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:40:35.245391', null, '2024-04-02 02:40:35.245391');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012622', '1770984443268419585', '为几类卡', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:42:03.044403', null, '2024-04-02 02:42:03.044403');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012623', '1770984443268419585', '卡是几级', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:42:49.833125', null, '2024-04-02 02:42:49.833125');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012624', '1770984443268419585', '卡是几类', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:43:28.832981', null, '2024-04-02 02:43:28.832981');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012625', '1770984443440386050', '银行基本信息情况是什么', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:46:52.157471', null, '2024-04-02 02:46:52.157471');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012626', '1770984443201310722', '有关联的问题账号主要有哪些', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:01:16.219558', null, '2024-04-02 03:01:16.219558');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012627', '1770984443201310722', '哪些账户与本案相关联', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:01:52.268242', null, '2024-04-02 03:01:52.268242');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012628', '1770984443201310722', '哪些账户与本案有关系', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:02:27.067425', null, '2024-04-02 03:02:27.067425');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012629', '1770984443201310722', '与本案有关系的主要账户有哪些', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:03:37.523851', null, '2024-04-02 03:03:37.523851');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012630', '1770984442387615746', '涉及的银行有哪些,它们分别有多少张银行卡?', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:10:04.519138', null, '2024-04-02 03:10:04.519138');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012631', '1770984442387615746', '可以列出涉及的银行及各自发行的银行卡数量吗?', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:10:41.965494', null, '2024-04-02 03:10:41.965494');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012611', '1770984442979012610', '是不是团伙?', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:00:09.759290', null, '2024-04-01 09:00:09.759290');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012612', '1770984442979012610', '是不是团伙作案?', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:00:41.802338', null, '2024-04-01 09:00:41.802338');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012613', '1770984442857377793', '是否符合立案标准', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:33:08.288781', null, '2024-04-01 09:33:08.288781');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012614', '1770984441624252418', '本次一共冻结多少张银行卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:36:09.877843', null, '2024-04-01 09:36:09.877843');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012615', '1770984441624252418', '本案冻结涉及多少张卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:36:41.845686', null, '2024-04-01 09:36:41.845686');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012616', '1770984441624252418', '本案一共冻结多少张银行卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:37:59.555677', null, '2024-04-01 09:37:59.555677');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012617', '1770984442718965762', '代理或会员的充值提现情况', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:41:08.463625', null, '2024-04-01 09:41:08.463625');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012618', '1770984442509250562', '本案涉及多少账号,调集了几轮数据', 1, null, '2024-04-02 01:17:52.878350', null, '2024-04-02 01:17:52.878350');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012619', '1770984443155173377', '冻结资金的依据是什么', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:36:00.138586', null, '2024-04-02 02:36:00.138586');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1', '1770984441624252418', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('3', '1770984442458918914', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:26:34.311383', null, '2024-03-25 05:26:34.311383');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('4', '1770984442509250562', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 07:08:43.372256', null, '2024-03-25 07:08:43.372256');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('5', '1770984442572165122', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 07:09:41.774286', null, '2024-03-25 07:09:41.774286');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('6', '1770984442572165122', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('7', '1770984442572165122', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('8', '1770984442635079681', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id(对应字段ajmc)', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('9', '1770984442635079681', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('10', '1770984442857377793', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('11', '1770984442857377793', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('12', '1770984442857377793', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号码', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('13', '1770984442920292354', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('14', '1770984442920292354', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('15', '1770984442920292354', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号码', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('16', '1770984442979012610', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('17', '1770984442979012610', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('18', '1770984443037732866', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('19', '1770984443037732866', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('20', '1770984443037732866', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('21', '1770984443096453122', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('22', '1770984443096453122', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('24', '1770984443155173377', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('23', '1770984443155173377', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('25', '1770984443201310722', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('26', '1770984443201310722', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('27', '1770984443268419585', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('28', '1770984443268419585', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('29', '1770984443327139841', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('30', '1770984443327139841', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('31', '1770984443327139841', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('32', '1770984443385860098', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('33', '1770984443385860098', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('34', '1770984443385860098', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('35', '1770984443440386050', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('2', '1770984442387615746', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:25:40.475951', null, '2024-03-25 05:25:40.475951');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('36', '1770984443440386666', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('37', '1770984443440386666', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('38', '1770984443440386666', 'khrmc', 'String', 2, '开户人名称', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_robot_config (id, device_name, dept_name, device_code, state, talk_speed, icon_base64, active_language, error_language, unrecognized_one, unrecognized_two, unrecognized_three, unrecognized_four, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('111', '审讯机器人', '沈阳公安', '001', 1, 1.0, null, '您好,我是审讯机器人,咨询时需提供案件编号或嫌疑人信息,有助于我更快帮您查询结果.', '您好,没有听清您说什么', '抱歉,我目前还没有足够的信息来回答您的问题。我会不断学习和进步,以便在将来能够更好地帮助您', '我已记录下您设置的信息,你可以继续问询。', null, null, null, '2024-03-21 05:20:32.679530', null, '2024-03-21 05:20:32.679530');