You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

699 lines
46 KiB

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

create table ir_user
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_user_pk
primary key,
user_account varchar(255) not null
constraint ir_user_pk2
real_name varchar(255) not null,
ps varchar(255) not null,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
state integer default 1,
role_type integer default 2 not null
comment on table ir_user is '用户表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_user.user_account is '用户账户';
comment on column ir_user.real_name is '真实姓名';
comment on column is '用户密码';
comment on column ir_user.create_user_id is '创建人ID';
comment on column ir_user.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column ir_user.update_user_id is '更新人ID';
comment on column ir_user.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column ir_user.state is '状态(1启动 2禁用)';
comment on column ir_user.role_type is '用户角色(1管理员 2普通用户)';
alter table ir_user
owner to postgres;
create table ir_sql_param
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_sql_param_pk
primary key,
knowledge_id varchar(64),
param_name varchar(64),
param_type varchar(64),
param_require integer default 2,
param_desc varchar(255),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_sql_param is '问题模板参数';
comment on column ir_sql_param.knowledge_id is '知识库ID';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_name is '参数名称';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_type is '参数类型';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_require is '是否必填(1必填,2非必填)';
comment on column ir_sql_param.param_desc is '参数注释';
alter table ir_sql_param
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session_param
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_session_param_pk
primary key,
session_id varchar(64),
param_name varchar(255),
param_value varchar(255),
param_type varchar(64),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_session_param is '会话参数';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_session_param.session_id is '会话ID';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_name is '参数名称';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_value is '参数值';
comment on column ir_session_param.param_type is '参数类型';
alter table ir_session_param
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session_history
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_session_history_pk
primary key,
session_id varchar(64),
user_question varchar(1024),
user_question_voice_id varchar(64),
match_knowledge_id varchar(64),
user_id varchar(64),
threshold numeric(5, 2),
score_cause integer,
answer_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
deal_state integer default 0 not null,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
answer varchar(1024),
answer_voice_id varchar(64),
answer_file_id varchar(1024),
answer_type integer
comment on table ir_session_history is '会话历史记录表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_session_history.session_id is '所属会话ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_question is '用户问题';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_question_voice_id is '用户语音ID(关联语音表ID)';
comment on column ir_session_history.match_knowledge_id is '匹配知识库ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.user_id is '提问用户ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.threshold is '阈值';
comment on column ir_session_history.score_cause is '(原因 1信息错误 2答非所问 3其他),只有不满意时触发';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_time is '应答时间';
comment on column ir_session_history.deal_state is '处理状态(0无需处理 1未处理 2已处理)';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer is '回答内容';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_voice_id is '回答音频ID';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_file_id is '回答文件ID,支持多个文件,用;分割';
comment on column ir_session_history.answer_type is '回答类型 1:文字 2语音 3文件';
alter table ir_session_history
owner to postgres;
create table ir_robot_config
id varchar(64) not null
constraint robot_config_pk
primary key,
device_name varchar(255),
dept_name varchar(255),
device_code varchar(255),
state integer default 1 not null,
talk_speed numeric(2, 1),
icon_base64 text,
active_language varchar(255),
error_language varchar(255),
unrecognized_one varchar(255),
unrecognized_two varchar(255),
unrecognized_three varchar(255),
unrecognized_four varchar(255),
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_robot_config is '机器人配置';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_robot_config.device_name is '设备名称';
comment on column ir_robot_config.dept_name is '所属机构名称';
comment on column ir_robot_config.device_code is '设备编码';
comment on column ir_robot_config.state is '设备状态(1启用 2禁用)';
comment on column ir_robot_config.talk_speed is '语速配置';
comment on column ir_robot_config.icon_base64 is '机器人图表';
comment on column ir_robot_config.active_language is '主动话术';
comment on column ir_robot_config.error_language is '异常话术';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_one is '未识别话术1';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_two is '未识别话术2';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_three is '未识别话术3';
comment on column ir_robot_config.unrecognized_four is '未识别话术5';
alter table ir_robot_config
owner to postgres;
create table ir_session
id varchar(255) not null
constraint ir_session_pk
primary key,
session_name varchar(255),
session_state integer default 1 not null,
user_id varchar(64),
video_speed numeric(2, 1),
broadcast_type integer default 1,
session_score integer,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_session is '会话表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_session.session_name is '会话名称';
comment on column ir_session.session_state is '会话状态(1进行中,2已结束)';
comment on column ir_session.user_id is '会话用户ID';
comment on column ir_session.video_speed is '播放速度(2位,小数后1位,例如:1.5)';
comment on column ir_session.broadcast_type is '播报方式(1语音 2文字)';
comment on column ir_session.session_score is '会话评分(1满意 2不满意,3未评估)';
alter table ir_session
owner to postgres;
create table ir_voice
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_voice_pk
primary key,
voice_base64 text not null,
length integer
comment on table ir_voice is '音频文件表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_voice.voice_base64 is '音频文件base64编码';
comment on column ir_voice.length is '长度,以秒为单位';
alter table ir_voice
owner to postgres;
create table ir_file
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_file_pk
primary key,
file_name varchar(255),
file_byte bytea,
file_type varchar(255),
file_size integer
comment on table ir_file is '文件表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_file.file_name is '文件名称';
comment on column ir_file.file_byte is '文件字节编码';
comment on column ir_file.file_type is '文件类型 1: base64 2:原生(未经过base64编码)';
comment on column ir_file.file_size is '文件大小';
alter table ir_file
owner to postgres;
create table ir_knowledge
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_knowledge_pk
primary key,
standard_question varchar(255) not null,
state integer,
sql_template text,
result_template text,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
result_type integer default 1
comment on table ir_knowledge is '知识库';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_knowledge.standard_question is '标准问题';
comment on column ir_knowledge.state is '状态(1生效 2部分生效 3未部署)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.sql_template is 'SQL模板(使用模板工具)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.result_template is '回答模板格式(使用模板工具)';
comment on column ir_knowledge.result_type is '查询结果数据类型1Map<String,Object> 2:List<Map<String,Object>> 3 : bytea';
alter table ir_knowledge
owner to postgres;
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984441624252418', '本次冻结涉及多少张卡?', 1, e'select count(distinct jykh) jykh_count
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid};', '本次冻结涉及${jykh_count}张银行卡', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.128999', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.128999', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442718965762', '代理或会员的充值、提现情况', 1, null, null, null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.240794', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.240794', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442979012610', '是否为团伙', 1, e'<script>
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
WHERE ajmc = #{ajid} AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND js LIKE \'%%\'
) THEN \'\'
ELSE \'\'
END AS result;
</script>', '${result}', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.299090', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.299090', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443440386666', '我要下载案件材料', 1, null, e'<#if fileContent??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-29 05:16:18.426524', null, '2024-03-29 05:16:18.426524', 4);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443155173377', '冻结资金的依据', 1, e'<script>
select xyzjlxt as byte_content, guid as byte_content_id
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_xyzjyjt
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', '未查询到资金冻结的依据。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.339301', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.339301', 3);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443096453122', '账户主要扮演哪些角色', 1, e'<script>
select string_agg(distinct js, \'\') js_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
where ajmc = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#if js_agg??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.327274', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.327274', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442920292354', '资金信息基本情况', 1, e'<script>
select count(distinct jykh) dqzhs,
count(distinct jyhm) dqzts,
count(distinct dszh) sjdss,
count(*) jyzbs,
sum(jyje::numeric) jyzje,
sum(case when sfbz = \'\' then 1 else 0 end) jzcs,
sum(case when sfbz = \'\' then jyje::numeric else \'0\' end) jzje,
sum(case when sfbz = \'\' then 1 else 0 end) czcs,
sum(case when sfbz = \'\' then jyje::numeric else \'0\' end) czje,
min(jyrq) zzjyrq,
max(jyrq) zwjyrq
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_fx_zjmx_case where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#macro formatMoney amount>
<#if amount < 10000>
${amount} 元
<#elseif amount gte 10000 && amount < 100000000 >
${(amount / 10000) ?string[\'0.00\']} 万元
${(amount / 100000000)?string[\'0.00\']} 亿元
<#if jyzbs gt 0>
其中涉及交易对手账号${sjdss}个,涉及金额交易总金额约<@formatMoney amount=jyzje/>,转出金额约<@formatMoney amount=czje/>,转入金额<@formatMoney amount=jzje/>。转出笔数${czcs}笔,转入笔数${jzcs}笔。
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.284770', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.284770', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442635079681', '是否为代理或会员?', 1, e'<script>
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhbq
WHERE jykh in
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND ajmc = #{ajid}
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#assign isMember = false>
<#assign isAgent = false>
<#list dataList as item>
<#if item.js?contains("会员")>
<#assign isMember = true>
<#elseif item.js?contains("代理")>
<#assign isAgent = true>
<#if isMember>
是会员<#elseif isAgent>是代理<#else>不是代理或者会员</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.222509', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.222509', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443201310722', '主要关联了哪些问题账户', 1, e'<script>
string_agg(dshm || \':\' || dszh, \',\') AS result
FROM yxyc_robot_data.result_jylxfx_bq
WHERE ajid = #{ajid}
AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#if result??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.352463', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.352463', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443385860098', '关联的出账对手情况', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,
gldss gldss,
czdsh czdsh,
czje czje,
czbs czbs,
czts czts
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhxzsb where ajid = ${ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</foreach> and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#list dataList as item>
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.395498', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.395498', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443268419585', '为几级卡', 1, e'<script>
SELECT jykh,sfbz,dsfbq
FROM yxyc_robot_data.result_jylxfx_bq where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#assign card_map = {}>
<#list dataList as item>
<#if item.jykh?? && item.jykh?trim?length != 0>
<#assign key = item.jykh?trim>
<#if !card_map[key]??>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#elseif item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "进" && item.dsfbq?? && item.dsfbq?contains("会员")>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#elseif (item.dsfbq ?? && (item.dsfbq?contains("收款账户") || item.dsfbq?contains("返款账户")) && (card_map[key].sfbz != "进"))>
<#assign card_map = card_map + {key : item}>
<#list card_map?values as item>
卡号:${item.jykh} 卡级别:
<#if item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "进" && item.dsfbq?? && item.dsfbq?contains("会员")>
<#elseif item.sfbz?? && item.sfbz == "出" || (item.dsfbq?? && (item.dsfbq?contains("收款账户") || item.dsfbq?contains("返款账户")))>
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.366105', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.366105', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443327139841', '关联的进账对手情况', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,
gldss gldss,
jzdss jzdss,
jzcszb jzcszb,
jzjezb jzjezb,
jzdsszb jzdsszb,
jzje jzje,
jzbs jzbs,
jzts jzts
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_zhxzsb where ajid = #{ajid} and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
</foreach> and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#assign dataList = dataList?default([])>
<#list dataList as item>
卡号:${item.jykh},关联对手数:${item.gldss},进账对手数:${item.jzdss},进账次数占比:${item.jzcszb},进账金额占比:${item.jzjezb},进账对手数占比:${item.jzdsszb} 进账金额:${item.jzje},进账笔数:${item.jzbs},进账天数:${item.jzts}
</#list>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.381933', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.381933', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443440386050', '银行基本信息情况', 1, e'select t0.jykh,t0.t0_zhkhmc_agg,t1.* ,t2.联系电话 ,t3.住宅地址, t3.住宅电话 ,t4.银行账号
(select jykh,khrzjhm ,string_agg(distinct zhkhmc,\'\') t0_zhkhmc_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_khxx where ajid=2 and khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm}
group by jykh,khrzjhm
) t0
left join
(select zjhm t1_zjhm,
string_agg(distinct email,\'\') 联系邮箱,string_agg(distinct gzdw,\'\') 工作单位,string_agg(distinct dwdh,\'\') 单位电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_kehxx where ajid=2 and zjhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zjhm
) t1
on t0.khrzjhm=t1.t1_zjhm
left join
select zzhm t2_zzhm,string_agg(distinct khmc,\'\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct lxdh,\'\') 联系电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_lxfsxx where ajid=2 and zzhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zzhm
) t2
on t1.t1_zjhm = t2.t2_zzhm
left join
select zjhm t3_zjhm,string_agg(distinct khmc,\'\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct zzdz,\'\') 住宅地址, string_agg(distinct zzdh,\'\') 住宅电话
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_zzxx where ajid=2 and zjhm=#{khrzjhm}
group by zjhm
) t3
on t1.t1_zjhm = t3.t3_zjhm
left join
select khrzjhm t4_khrzjhm,string_agg(distinct zhkhmc,\'\') 开户名称,string_agg(distinct zhkhyh||\'-\'||jykh,\'\') 银行账号
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_cj_zj_khxx where ajid=2 and khrzjhm= #{khrzjhm}
group by khrzjhm
) t4
on t1.t1_zjhm = t4.t4_khrzjhm;', '基本情况: 交易卡号:${((jykh!'''')?length>0)?string(jykh!'''','''')},开户名称:${((t0_zhkhmc_agg!'''')?length>0)?string(t0_zhkhmc_agg!'''','''')},证照号码:${((t1_zjhm!'''')?length>0)?string(t1_zjhm!'''','''')},联系邮箱:${((联系邮箱!'''')?length>0)?string(联系邮箱!'''','''')},工作单位:${((工作单位!'''')?length>0)?string(工作单位!'''','''')},单位电话:${((单位电话!'''')?length>0)?string(单位电话!'''','''')},联系电话:${((联系电话!'''')?length>0)?string(联系电话!'''','''')},住宅地址:${((住宅地址!'''')?length>0)?string(住宅地址!'''','''')},住宅电话:${((住宅电话!'''')?length>0)?string(住宅电话!'''','''')},银行账号:${((银行账号!'''')?length>0)?string(银行账号!'''','''')}。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.407176', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.407176', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442857377793', '是否符合立案打击标准', 1, e'<script>
select jykh,saje
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh in
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', e'<#list dataList as item>
<#assign jykh = item["jykh"]>
<#assign saje = item["saje"]>
交易卡号: ${jykh}元,交易金额: ${saje}元,</#list>总交易金额: <#assign totalAmount = 0><#list dataList as item><#assign saje = item["saje"]?number> <#assign totalAmount = totalAmount + saje></#list>${totalAmount} 元', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.269374', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.269374', 2);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442509250562', '本案调集了几轮数据,涉及多少账户', 1, e'select count(distinct djpc) as count_djpc, count(distinct jykh) as count_ykjh
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd where ajid = #{ajid};', e'<#assign count_ykjh = count_ykjh?default(0)>
<#assign count_djpc = count_djpc?default(0)>
本案调集了${count_djpc}轮数据,涉及${count_ykjh}个账户。', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.186871', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.186871', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984443037732866', '团伙依据', 1, e'<script>
select string_agg(distinct jyhm,\'\') jyhm_agg
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_thsb a
where a.thfz in (select distinct thfz
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_thsb
where ajid = #{ajid}
and jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and jyzjhm = #{khrzjhm})
and a.jyhm is not null;
</script>', e'<#if jyhm_agg??>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.312666', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.312666', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442387615746', '涉及哪些银行,各银行卡数量', 1, e'SELECT STRING_AGG(result_0, \'\') result
FROM (SELECT yhmc || \':\' || count(distinct jykh) || \'\' as result_0
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid}
) subquery;', e'<#if result?has_content>
</#if>', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.159600', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.159600', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442458918914', '本次账户涉案情况', 1, e'select SUM(CAST(saje AS DECIMAL(18, 2))) as sum_asje
from yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
where ajid = #{ajid};', '账户涉案金额是${(sum_asje!0)?c}元', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.172509', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.172509', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442811240449', '代理获取佣金情况', 1, null, null, null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.256425', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.256425', 1);
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge (id, standard_question, state, sql_template, result_template, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time, result_type) VALUES ('1770984442572165122', '是否为本次冻结打击对象?', 1, e'<script>
WHEN count(id) > 0 THEN \'\'
ELSE \'\'
END AS result
FROM yxyc_robot_data.yxyc_djmd
WHERE ajid = #{ajid}
AND jykh IN
<foreach collection="jykh" item="kh" open="(" separator="," close=")">
AND khrzjhm = #{khrzjhm};
</script>', '${result}本次冻结打击对象', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.201885', null, '2024-03-22 09:22:49.201885', 1);
create table ir_knowledge_similar
id varchar(64) not null
constraint ir_similar_question_pk
primary key,
knowledge_id varchar(64),
similar_question varchar(255),
state integer,
create_user_id varchar(64),
create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
update_user_id varchar(64),
update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
comment on table ir_knowledge_similar is '相似问法表';
comment on column is '主键';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.knowledge_id is '知识库ID';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.similar_question is '相似问法';
comment on column ir_knowledge_similar.state is '生效状态(1生效 2部分生效 3未部署)';
alter table ir_knowledge_similar
owner to postgres;
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012620', '1770984443096453122', '账号主要扮演了哪些角色', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:39:34.766612', null, '2024-04-02 02:39:34.766612');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012621', '1770984442635079681', '是否为会员或代理', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:40:35.245391', null, '2024-04-02 02:40:35.245391');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012622', '1770984443268419585', '为几类卡', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:42:03.044403', null, '2024-04-02 02:42:03.044403');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012623', '1770984443268419585', '卡是几级', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:42:49.833125', null, '2024-04-02 02:42:49.833125');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012624', '1770984443268419585', '卡是几类', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:43:28.832981', null, '2024-04-02 02:43:28.832981');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012625', '1770984443440386050', '银行基本信息情况是什么', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:46:52.157471', null, '2024-04-02 02:46:52.157471');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012626', '1770984443201310722', '有关联的问题账号主要有哪些', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:01:16.219558', null, '2024-04-02 03:01:16.219558');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012627', '1770984443201310722', '哪些账户与本案相关联', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:01:52.268242', null, '2024-04-02 03:01:52.268242');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012628', '1770984443201310722', '哪些账户与本案有关系', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:02:27.067425', null, '2024-04-02 03:02:27.067425');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012629', '1770984443201310722', '与本案有关系的主要账户有哪些', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:03:37.523851', null, '2024-04-02 03:03:37.523851');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012630', '1770984442387615746', '涉及的银行有哪些,它们分别有多少张银行卡?', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:10:04.519138', null, '2024-04-02 03:10:04.519138');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012631', '1770984442387615746', '可以列出涉及的银行及各自发行的银行卡数量吗?', 1, null, '2024-04-02 03:10:41.965494', null, '2024-04-02 03:10:41.965494');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012611', '1770984442979012610', '是不是团伙?', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:00:09.759290', null, '2024-04-01 09:00:09.759290');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012612', '1770984442979012610', '是不是团伙作案?', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:00:41.802338', null, '2024-04-01 09:00:41.802338');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012613', '1770984442857377793', '是否符合立案标准', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:33:08.288781', null, '2024-04-01 09:33:08.288781');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012614', '1770984441624252418', '本次一共冻结多少张银行卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:36:09.877843', null, '2024-04-01 09:36:09.877843');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012615', '1770984441624252418', '本案冻结涉及多少张卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:36:41.845686', null, '2024-04-01 09:36:41.845686');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012616', '1770984441624252418', '本案一共冻结多少张银行卡', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:37:59.555677', null, '2024-04-01 09:37:59.555677');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012617', '1770984442718965762', '代理或会员的充值提现情况', 1, null, '2024-04-01 09:41:08.463625', null, '2024-04-01 09:41:08.463625');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012618', '1770984442509250562', '本案涉及多少账号,调集了几轮数据', 1, null, '2024-04-02 01:17:52.878350', null, '2024-04-02 01:17:52.878350');
INSERT INTO ir_knowledge_similar (id, knowledge_id, similar_question, state, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1870984442979012619', '1770984443155173377', '冻结资金的依据是什么', 1, null, '2024-04-02 02:36:00.138586', null, '2024-04-02 02:36:00.138586');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('1', '1770984441624252418', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('3', '1770984442458918914', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:26:34.311383', null, '2024-03-25 05:26:34.311383');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('4', '1770984442509250562', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 07:08:43.372256', null, '2024-03-25 07:08:43.372256');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('5', '1770984442572165122', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 07:09:41.774286', null, '2024-03-25 07:09:41.774286');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('6', '1770984442572165122', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('7', '1770984442572165122', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('8', '1770984442635079681', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id(对应字段ajmc)', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('9', '1770984442635079681', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829', null, '2024-03-25 07:47:00.489829');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('10', '1770984442857377793', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('11', '1770984442857377793', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('12', '1770984442857377793', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号码', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('13', '1770984442920292354', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('14', '1770984442920292354', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('15', '1770984442920292354', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号码', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('16', '1770984442979012610', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040', null, '2024-03-26 02:07:06.982040');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('17', '1770984442979012610', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('18', '1770984443037732866', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('19', '1770984443037732866', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('20', '1770984443037732866', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('21', '1770984443096453122', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('22', '1770984443096453122', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('24', '1770984443155173377', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('23', '1770984443155173377', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('25', '1770984443201310722', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('26', '1770984443201310722', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('27', '1770984443268419585', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('28', '1770984443268419585', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('29', '1770984443327139841', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('30', '1770984443327139841', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('31', '1770984443327139841', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('32', '1770984443385860098', 'jykh', 'List', 1, '交易卡号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('33', '1770984443385860098', 'ajid', 'Integer', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214', null, '2024-03-25 05:24:38.653214');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('34', '1770984443385860098', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('35', '1770984443440386050', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('2', '1770984442387615746', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-25 05:25:40.475951', null, '2024-03-25 05:25:40.475951');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('36', '1770984443440386666', 'ajid', 'String', 1, '案件id', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('37', '1770984443440386666', 'khrzjhm', 'String', 1, '开户人证件号', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_sql_param (id, knowledge_id, param_name, param_type, param_require, param_desc, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('38', '1770984443440386666', 'khrmc', 'String', 2, '开户人名称', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249', null, '2024-03-29 06:25:32.732249');
INSERT INTO ir_robot_config (id, device_name, dept_name, device_code, state, talk_speed, icon_base64, active_language, error_language, unrecognized_one, unrecognized_two, unrecognized_three, unrecognized_four, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES ('111', '审讯机器人', '沈阳公安', '001', 1, 1.0, null, '您好,我是审讯机器人,咨询时需提供案件编号或嫌疑人信息,有助于我更快帮您查询结果.', '您好,没有听清您说什么', '抱歉,我目前还没有足够的信息来回答您的问题。我会不断学习和进步,以便在将来能够更好地帮助您', '我已记录下您设置的信息,你可以继续问询。', null, null, null, '2024-03-21 05:20:32.679530', null, '2024-03-21 05:20:32.679530');