@ -311,20 +311,6 @@ SET name = CONCAT(IFNULL(start_entity_type, '无'), '-', IFNULL(rel_type, '无')
WHERE start_entity_type IS NOT NULL AND rel_type IS NOT NULL AND end_entity_type IS NOT NULL;
-- ------------------------------
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SET @last_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
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INSERT INTO `nx_llm`.`com_dictionary` (`code`, `name`, `pid`, `type`, `status`, `note`, `priority`, `creator`, `update_time`, `create_time`, `updater`, `data_status`, `create_user_id`, `update_user_id`) VALUES ('3', '日期', @last_id, 'prompt_attribute_valuetype', '1', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `nx_llm`.`evidence_category` (`id`, `code`, `case_type`, `category_name`, `icon_url`, `parent_id`, `create_user_id`, `create_time`, `update_user_id`, `update_time`) VALUES (3, NULL, '1', '物证', NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, NULL);
@ -339,3 +325,4 @@ INSERT INTO nx_llm.evidence_category (id, code, case_type, category_name, icon_u
INSERT INTO nx_llm.evidence_category (id, code, case_type, category_name, icon_url, parent_id, create_user_id, create_time, update_user_id, update_time) VALUES (19, null, '1', '公文书证', null, '1', null, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, NULL);
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