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import os
import cv2
import argparse
import numpy as np
class SCRFD():
def __init__(self, onnxmodel, confThreshold=0.5, nmsThreshold=0.5):
self.inpWidth = 640
self.inpHeight = 640
self.confThreshold = confThreshold
self.nmsThreshold = nmsThreshold
| = cv2.dnn.readNet(onnxmodel)
self.keep_ratio = True
self.fmc = 3
self._feat_stride_fpn = [8, 16, 32]
self._num_anchors = 2
def resize_image(self, srcimg):
padh, padw, newh, neww = 0, 0, self.inpHeight, self.inpWidth
if self.keep_ratio and srcimg.shape[0] != srcimg.shape[1]:
hw_scale = srcimg.shape[0] / srcimg.shape[1]
if hw_scale > 1:
newh, neww = self.inpHeight, int(self.inpWidth / hw_scale)
img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
padw = int((self.inpWidth - neww) * 0.5)
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, 0, padw, self.inpWidth - neww - padw, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
value=0) # add border
newh, neww = int(self.inpHeight * hw_scale) + 1, self.inpWidth
img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
padh = int((self.inpHeight - newh) * 0.5)
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, padh, self.inpHeight - newh - padh, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (self.inpWidth, self.inpHeight), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
return img, newh, neww, padh, padw
def distance2bbox(self, points, distance, max_shape=None):
x1 = points[:, 0] - distance[:, 0]
y1 = points[:, 1] - distance[:, 1]
x2 = points[:, 0] + distance[:, 2]
y2 = points[:, 1] + distance[:, 3]
if max_shape is not None:
x1 = x1.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[1])
y1 = y1.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[0])
x2 = x2.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[1])
y2 = y2.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[0])
return np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)
def distance2kps(self, points, distance, max_shape=None):
preds = []
for i in range(0, distance.shape[1], 2):
px = points[:, i % 2] + distance[:, i]
py = points[:, i % 2 + 1] + distance[:, i + 1]
if max_shape is not None:
px = px.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[1])
py = py.clamp(min=0, max=max_shape[0])
return np.stack(preds, axis=-1)
def detect(self, srcimg,face_flag,count):
img, newh, neww, padh, padw = self.resize_image(srcimg)
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0 / 128, (self.inpWidth, self.inpHeight), (127.5, 127.5, 127.5), swapRB=True)
# Sets the input to the network
# Runs the forward pass to get output of the output layers
outs =
# inference output
scores_list, bboxes_list, kpss_list = [], [], []
for idx, stride in enumerate(self._feat_stride_fpn):
scores = outs[idx * self.fmc][0]
bbox_preds = outs[idx * self.fmc + 1][0] * stride
kps_preds = outs[idx * self.fmc + 2][0] * stride
height = blob.shape[2] // stride
width = blob.shape[3] // stride
anchor_centers = np.stack(np.mgrid[:height, :width][::-1], axis=-1).astype(np.float32)
anchor_centers = (anchor_centers * stride).reshape((-1, 2))
if self._num_anchors > 1:
anchor_centers = np.stack([anchor_centers] * self._num_anchors, axis=1).reshape((-1, 2))
pos_inds = np.where(scores >= self.confThreshold)[0]
bboxes = self.distance2bbox(anchor_centers, bbox_preds)
pos_scores = scores[pos_inds]
pos_bboxes = bboxes[pos_inds]
kpss = self.distance2kps(anchor_centers, kps_preds)
# kpss = kps_preds
kpss = kpss.reshape((kpss.shape[0], -1, 2))
pos_kpss = kpss[pos_inds]
scores = np.vstack(scores_list).ravel()
# bboxes = np.vstack(bboxes_list) / det_scale
# kpss = np.vstack(kpss_list) / det_scale
bboxes = np.vstack(bboxes_list)
kpss = np.vstack(kpss_list)
bboxes[:, 2:4] = bboxes[:, 2:4] - bboxes[:, 0:2]
ratioh, ratiow = srcimg.shape[0] / newh, srcimg.shape[1] / neww
bboxes[:, 0] = (bboxes[:, 0] - padw) * ratiow
bboxes[:, 1] = (bboxes[:, 1] - padh) * ratioh
bboxes[:, 2] = bboxes[:, 2] * ratiow
bboxes[:, 3] = bboxes[:, 3] * ratioh
kpss[:, :, 0] = (kpss[:, :, 0] - padw) * ratiow
kpss[:, :, 1] = (kpss[:, :, 1] - padh) * ratioh
indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(bboxes.tolist(), scores.tolist(), self.confThreshold, self.nmsThreshold)
# 根据阈值拦截后的人脸框元组
if indices:
face_flag["face"] += 1
for i in indices:
i = i[0]
xmin, ymin, xamx, ymax = int(bboxes[i, 0]), int(bboxes[i, 1]), int(bboxes[i, 0] + bboxes[i, 2]), int(bboxes[i, 1] + bboxes[i, 3])
cv2.rectangle(srcimg, (xmin, ymin), (xamx, ymax), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2)
for j in range(5):
|, (int(kpss[i, j, 0]), int(kpss[i, j, 1])), 1, (0,255,0), thickness=-1)
cv2.putText(srcimg, str(round(scores[i], 3)), (xmin, ymin - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), thickness=1)
return srcimg
def face_detection(onnxmodel,image,crop_image,x1,y1,x2,y2,face_flag,count):
# 输入为crop目标检测bbox
mynet = SCRFD(onnxmodel, confThreshold=0.8, nmsThreshold=0.5)
outimg= mynet.detect(crop_image,face_flag,count)
image[y1:y2,x1:x2] = outimg
return image |