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site_name: PaddleOCR 文档
site_author: PaddleOCR PMC
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
repo_name: PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
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Home: Home
快速开始: Quick Start
近期更新: Recently Update
模型: Model
概述: Overview
PP-OCR 文本检测识别: PP-OCR
概述: Overview
快速开始: Quick Start
快速安装: Quick Installation
效果展示: Visualization
运行环境: Environment Preparation
模型库: Model
模型训练: Model Training
基本概念: Basic concepts
文本检测: Text Detection
文本识别: Text Recognition
文本方向分类器: Text Angle Classification
关键信息提取: Key Information Extraction
模型微调: Fine-tune
模型压缩: Model Compression
模型量化: Model Quantization
模型裁剪: Model Prune
知识蒸馏: Knowledge Distillation
推理部署: Model Deploy
概述: Overview
基于Python预测引擎推理: Python Inference
基于C++预测引擎推理: CPP Inference
Visual Studio 2019 Community CMake 编译指南: Visual Studio 2019 Community CMake Compilation Guide
服务化部署: Sever Deployment
Jetson部署: Jetson Deployment
端侧部署: Device-side Deployment
网页前端部署: Paddle.js Web Deployment
Paddle2ONNX模型转化与预测: Paddle2ONNX
云上飞桨部署工具: Paddle Cloud
Benchmark: Benchmark
博客: Blog
paddleocr package使用说明: Paddleocr Package Instructions
多语言模型: Multi-language model
动手学OCR: Dive into OCR
切片操作: Slice
PaddleOCR模型推理参数解释: PaddleOCR Model Inference Parameter Explanation
分布式训练: Distributed training
项目克隆: Project Clone
配置文件内容与生成: Configuration
如何生产自定义超轻量模型?: How To Make Your own lightweight OCR model?
PP-Structure文档分析: PP-Structure
概述: Overview
快速开始: Quick Start
模型库: Model
模型训练: Model Training
基本概念: Basic concepts
版面分析: Layout Analysis
版面恢复: Recovery To Doc
表格识别: Table Recognition
关键信息提取: Key Information Extraction
推理部署: Deploy
概述: Overview
基于Python预测引擎推理: Python Inference
基于C++预测引擎推理: CPP Inference
服务化部署: Sever Deployment
博客: Blog
返回识别位置: Return Recognition Location
怎样完成基于图像数据的信息抽取任务: Key Information Extraction Pipeline
前沿算法与模型: Academic Algorithms
概述: algorithm/
文本检测算法: Text Detection Algorithms
DB与DB++: DB and DB++
文本识别算法: Text Recognition Algorithms
文本超分辨率算法: Text Super-Resolution Algorithm
公式识别算法: Formulat Recognition
端到端OCR算法: End-to-End OCR Algorithms
表格识别算法: Table Recognition Algorithms
关键信息抽取算法: Key Information Extraction Algorithms
使用PaddleOCR架构添加新算法: Add new algorithms
场景应用: Applications
数据标注与合成: Data Annotation and Synthesis
概述: Overview
其它数据标注工具: Other data annotation tools
其它数据合成工具: Others data synthesis tools
数据集: Datasets
通用中英文OCR数据集: General Chinese and English OCR dataset
手写中文OCR数据集: Handwritten Chinese OCR Dataset
垂类多语言OCR数据集: Vertical multi-language OCR dataset
版面分析数据集: Layout Analysis Dataset
表格识别数据集: Table recognition dataset
关键信息提取数据集: Key Information Extraction Dataset
社区: Community
社区贡献: Community Contribution
附录: Appendix
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- Home:
- 快速开始:
- 近期更新:
- 模型:
- 概览: model/
- 多硬件安装飞桨:
- 多硬件安装飞桨: model/hardware/
- 支持硬件列表: model/hardware/
- PP-OCR 文本检测识别:
- 概述: ppocr/
- 快速开始: ppocr/
- 快速安装: ppocr/
- 效果展示: ppocr/
- 运行环境: ppocr/
- 模型库: ppocr/
- 模型训练:
- 基本概念: ppocr/model_train/
- 文本检测: ppocr/model_train/
- 文本识别: ppocr/model_train/
- 文本方向分类器: ppocr/model_train/
- 关键信息提取: ppocr/model_train/
- 模型微调: ppocr/model_train/
- 模型压缩:
- 模型量化: ppocr/model_compress/
- 模型裁剪: ppocr/model_compress/
- 知识蒸馏: ppocr/model_compress/
- 推理部署:
- 概述: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 基于Python预测引擎推理: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 基于C++预测引擎推理: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- Visual Studio 2019 Community CMake 编译指南: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 服务化部署: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- Android部署: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- Jetson部署: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 端侧部署: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 网页前端部署: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- Paddle2ONNX模型转化与预测: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 云上飞桨部署工具: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- Benchmark: ppocr/infer_deploy/
- 博客:
- PP-OCRv3技术报告: ppocr/blog/
- PP-OCRv4技术报告: ppocr/blog/
- paddleocr package使用说明: ppocr/blog/
- 多语言模型: ppocr/blog/
- 动手学OCR: ppocr/blog/
- Enhanced CTC Loss: ppocr/blog/
- 切片操作: ppocr/blog/
- PaddleOCR模型推理参数解释: ppocr/blog/
- 分布式训练: ppocr/blog/
- 项目克隆: ppocr/blog/
- 配置文件内容与生成: ppocr/blog/
- 如何生产自定义超轻量模型?: ppocr/blog/
- PP-Structure文档分析:
- 概述: ppstructure/
- 快速开始: ppstructure/
- 模型库: ppstructure/
- 模型训练:
- 基本概念: ppstructure/model_train/
- 版面分析: ppstructure/model_train/
- 表格识别: ppstructure/model_train/
- 版面恢复: ppstructure/model_train/
- 关键信息提取: ppstructure/model_train/
- 推理部署:
- 概述: ppstructure/infer_deploy/
- 基于Python预测引擎推理: ppstructure/infer_deploy/
- 基于C++预测引擎推理: ppstructure/infer_deploy/
- 服务化部署: ppstructure/infer_deploy/
- 博客:
- 返回识别位置: ppstructure/blog/
- 怎样完成基于图像数据的信息抽取任务: ppstructure/blog/
- 前沿算法与模型:
- 概述: algorithm/
- 文本检测算法:
- DB与DB++: algorithm/text_detection/
- EAST: algorithm/text_detection/
- SAST: algorithm/text_detection/
- PSENet: algorithm/text_detection/
- FCENet: algorithm/text_detection/
- DRRG: algorithm/text_detection/
- CT: algorithm/text_detection/
- 文本识别算法:
- CRNN: algorithm/text_recognition/
- Rosetta: algorithm/text_recognition/
- STAR-Net: algorithm/text_recognition/
- RARE: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SRN: algorithm/text_recognition/
- NRTR: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SAR: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SEED: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SVTR: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SVTRv2: algorithm/text_recognition/
- ViTSTR: algorithm/text_recognition/
- ABINet: algorithm/text_recognition/
- VisionLAN: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SPIN: algorithm/text_recognition/
- RobustScanner: algorithm/text_recognition/
- RFL: algorithm/text_recognition/
- ParseQ: algorithm/text_recognition/
- CPPD: algorithm/text_recognition/
- SATRN: algorithm/text_recognition/
- 文本超分辨率算法:
- Text Gestalt: algorithm/super_resolution/
- Text Telescope: algorithm/super_resolution/
- 公式识别算法:
- CAN: algorithm/formula_recognition/
- LaTeX-OCR: algorithm/formula_recognition/
- 端到端OCR算法:
- PGNet: algorithm/end_to_end/
- 表格识别算法:
- TableMaster: algorithm/table_recognition/
- TableSLANet: algorithm/table_recognition/
- 关键信息抽取算法:
- VI-LayoutXLM: algorithm/kie/
- LayoutLM: algorithm/kie/
# - LayoutLMv2: algorithm/kie/
# - LayoutXLM: algorithm/kie/
- SDMGR: algorithm/kie/./
- 使用PaddleOCR架构添加新算法: algorithm/
- 场景应用:
- 概述: applications/
- 通用:
- 高精度中文场景文本识别模型SVTR: applications/高精度中文识别模型.md
- 手写体识别: applications/手写文字识别.md
- 制造:
- 数码管识别: applications/光功率计数码管字符识别.md
- 液晶屏读数识别: applications/液晶屏读数识别.md
- 包装生产日期: applications/包装生产日期识别.md
- PCB文字识别: applications/PCB字符识别.md
- 金融:
- 表单VQA: applications/多模态表单识别.md
- 增值税发票: applications/发票关键信息抽取.md
- 印章检测与识别: applications/印章弯曲文字识别.md
- 通用卡证识别: applications/快速构建卡证类
- 合同比对: applications/扫描合同关键信息提取.md
- 交通:
- 车牌识别: applications/轻量级车牌识别.md
- 数据标注与合成:
- 概述: data_anno_synth/
- 其它数据标注工具: data_anno_synth/
- 其它数据合成工具: data_anno_synth/
- 数据集:
- 通用中英文OCR数据集: datasets/
- 手写中文OCR数据集: datasets/
- 垂类多语言OCR数据集: datasets/
- 版面分析数据集: datasets/
- 表格识别数据集: datasets/
- 关键信息提取数据集: datasets/
- FAQ:
- 社区:
- 社区贡献: community/
- 附录: community/